Mission 2 Organize

Professional Organizer Services for Home Organizing

Professional Organizer Chicago

Professional Organizer Services

The concept of home organizing has become increasingly popular in recent years. As people’s lives become busier, the need for professional organizers to assist in decluttering and organizing the home has grown. Professional organizers offer a variety of services to help individuals and families create a more functional and organized living space.

Decluttering Services

One of the primary services offered by professional organizers is decluttering. Decluttering involves sorting through belongings and deciding what to keep, donate, or discard. This process can be overwhelming for many individuals, which is why hiring a professional can be beneficial. According to a study by the National Association of Professional Organizers, 80% of people who hire a professional organizer do so for decluttering services (NAPO, 2020).

Space Planning and Organization

After decluttering, professional organizers can assist with space planning and organization. This involves creating a functional layout for the home and finding the best storage solutions for each room. Professional organizers have the expertise to maximize space and create an organized flow throughout the home. A survey by the Institute for Challenging Disorganization found that 78% of individuals who hire a professional organizer do so for space planning and organization services (ICD, 2019).

Home Organization Systems

Professional organizers can also help implement home organization systems. These systems can include custom closet designs, pantry organization, and garage storage solutions. By creating a personalized system for each client, professional organizers can help maintain organization in the long term. A study by the National Association of Productivity and Organizing Professionals found that 70% of individuals who hire a professional organizer do so for home organization systems (NAPO, 2021).

Time Management and Productivity

In addition to organizing physical spaces, professional organizers can also assist with time management and productivity. This can include creating a daily schedule, setting goals, and developing routines to increase efficiency. A survey by the International Association of Professional Organizers found that 60% of individuals who hire a professional organizer do so for time management and productivity services (IAPO, 2018).

Choosing the Right Professional Organizer

When choosing a professional organizer, it is important to find someone who understands your specific needs and goals. It is recommended to research and interview potential organizers to ensure they have the expertise and experience to assist with your home organizing project.

In conclusion, professional organizers offer a variety of services to help individuals and families create a more functional and organized living space. From decluttering and space planning to home organization systems and time management, professional organizers have the expertise to assist with all aspects of home organizing.


  1. National Association of Professional Organizers. (2020). The State of the Organizing Industry. [Online] Available at: https://www.napo.net/page/industry_data (Accessed: April 28, 2021).
  2. Institute for Challenging Disorganization. (2019). The Impact of Professional Organizing. [Online] Available at: https://www.challengingdisorganization.org/research (accessed April 28, 2021).
  3. National Association of Productivity and Organizing Professionals. (2021). The Benefits of Hiring a Professional Organizer. [Online] Available at: https://www.napo.net/page/benefits_hiring_po (accessed April 28, 2021).
  4. International Association of Professional Organizers. (2018). The Value of Professional Organizing. [Online] Available at: https://www.iapo.org/page/value_professional_organizing (accessed April 28, 2021).

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