Mission 2 Organize

7 Tips for Splitting Priceless Photos and Digital Assets Amicably in a Family Divorce

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Divorce is something that many married couples never plan for or necessarily expect, yet does happen. If you’ve found yourself in the unfortunate situation where you are considering getting a divorce, you may want to look into getting a divorce lawyer chicago. Of course, many couples realize that over 50% of all marriages end in divorce, but this statistic is not representative of divorces on an annual basis in Illinois or Texas as seen below.

Divorce Stats

Although the divorce rate nationally accounts for 50% of all marriages, what that raw statistic does not show is the breakdown of marriages and divorce rates across society. For example in Illinois, both marriage and divorce rates have been declining on an annual basis since the late 1970’s. As of 2009 the marriage rate was just 5.6 in 1000 people or 72,821 marriages in a state with a population of almost 13 million. The divorce rate in Illinois is less than the national average at 2.6 per 1000 persons or slightly less than half the number of marriages.

Whereas in Texas, the marriage rate is higher than Illinois at 6.9 per 1000 with a corresponding divorce rate of 3.3 per 1000 people. This shows that although marriage rates in Texas is higher, the divorce rate is still fairly consistent at just less than half of all marriages in the state.

Finding the Right Mediator

When you start considering divorce, one of the best options is often hiring a mediator. Settling out of court can often be the most beneficial for the family in keeping things amicable amongst adults and keeping children the priority. Consider contacting this Massachusetts Divorce Lawyer for more information on how to settle your divorce effectively.

The best mediators in Chicago according to Yelp reviews include Conniff Law Offices with a perfect 5 star rating over multiple reviews as well as the Law Offices of Patrick Markey, PC with the same rating.

For Houston, three firms achieve top ratings over multiple reviews including Brochstein Fran, The Waldrop Law Firm and Sam M. Trey Yates III, PC. Get a mediator near you that can help instead of instigate.

Splitting Assets

When getting divorced, emotions can often get in the way of what truly matters; a fair and equitable split of the assets. If you follow these 7 tips as a process, you can get to an amicable place in the process. With divorce rate being what it is, marriage can be hard for both women and men, however, while women are more like to get sympathy during the divorce men are also affected and are need of someone like the Best Lawyers for Men in Huntsville, AL the help with them through their divorce.

1) Communication is Key

Hire an effective mediator to communicate your wishes in a respectful way. Splitting assets can be a challenge, doing so with open lines of communication can make it easier.

2) Expect to Compromise

When splitting assets, even digital ones that can often be copied, you may need to compromise. Respecting each other’s wishes within a negotiation often leads to compromise and getting closer to what you each want.

3) Organization

One of the first things that will need to be done is to get a professional inventory of what you actually have by a Digital Archivist. You will most likely have tons of digital assets including videos, photos, photo albums, possible digital music, TV and movie collections all of which may be spread across a host of devices. Learn exactly what you have across all your devices and asset classes.

4) Scanning and Digitizing

One aspect that many people forget is that many photos in hard format like photo albums can be easily digitized today. Hiring a professional to perform your digital organization will probably solve a lot of your headaches. Photo album scanning and photo scanning individual photos will help the digital organization for families in a divorce.

5) Hiring Digital Archivist Pros

Organization, digitization and archiving your collections are huge chores which can often be subdivided and given to different professionals. As part of the collaboration needed to split assets amicably, professionals from NAPO Chicago or NAPO Houston can organize your assets easily and quickly. While a trained digital archivist can scan, backup and duplicate the digital assets and provide complete digital organization for the process.

6) Include Everything

With the pervasiveness of technology make sure that all assets are copied and duplicated for a fair distribution. This should include personal cell phones, tablets, laptops, desktops, cloud storage accounts and more.

7) Give to Get

Lastly, remember to ensure the healthy relations long after the divorce with your ex-spouse and possible children, compromise is key. Often you may have to give up something to get something in return.

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The Doorstep Digital Difference

Doorstep Digital has the photo archiving experience, digital organization expertise, and professional sensitivity that you will need as you navigate through your divorce. As an organization of local digital archivists in 7 cities from Chicago to Houston to Seattle, Doorstep Digital can provide a complete service for splitting your digital assets. Being able to scan, backup, digitize and duplicate these assets securely in your home at your convenience takes a huge weight off of the process. Not only your digital assets but conventional materials such as artwork, documents, tapes, slides, negatives, photos, albums, and other media can be included.

Doorstep Digital – Scan. Backup. Organize – Saving Yesterday for Tomorrow ™




Local Digital Archivists Serving – Houston, Austin, San Antonio, Dallas, Denver, Seattle, Chicago








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