Mission 2 Organize

10 Easy Ways to De-clutter Before You Move

moving organizers near me Chicago



It’s as simple as this. You’re paying the moving company by the pound or by the hour, so it is to your financial benefit to get rid of excess possessions before you move.

If you’re not paying by the pound, good for you. But you’ll still pay for neglecting to de-clutter…only in a different way. You will suffer with a bunch of stuff in your brand new space that you don’t even need, use or love. Nonsense!

Start reducing the physical and mental weight of your possessions months before you start packing the boxes. Here are 10 smart ways to make a fresh start in your new place by de-cluttering before you move.


  1. Recycle Magazines
    – Send 90% of your magazines to the recycle bin or donate them. Let’s face it. You’ve never read them and you never will.
  2. Toss Expired Food
    – Food past it’s expiration could get you sick so just toss it.
  3. Exclude Excessive Accessories
    – Take inventory of your purses, belts, hats, jewelry and shoes. Which are the ones you never wear or don’t even really like?
  4. Dump the Junk Drawer
    – Pick out only the things you actually use from the junk drawer. Divide these items into individual baggies or drawer dividers. Get rid of the rest. If you’ve got more junk than just a drawer full that you would like to dump, you might be better looking for junk removal services in your area.
  5. Donate Miniature Toiletries
    Homeless shelters need a hardy supply of shampoo and soap so happily hand them over to someone in need.
  6. Clear Out Files
    – Shred bills that are more than one tax year old, taxes that are more than seven years old or any papers with account numbers.
  7. Donate Books
    – Books that you’ve already read or never intend to read can be given to a variety of organizations that support literacy.
  8. Minimize Tupperware
    – Match lids to bottoms and recycle any extras that don’t have a mate. You may want to use single rectangle and square shaped Tupperware bottoms as drawer dividers.
  9. Reduce Wardrobe
    – Pull out any clothes that are in need of repair, not of your size or not appropriate for your age. Clothing and coats can even be consigned!
  10. Reconsider Your Storage
    Ask yourself why you are really keeping the items in your storage. Can you pair down the holiday decorations by 2/3? Donate that camping gear you never used?


Have you ever eliminated a portion of your possessions before you moved? How do you think it helped you once you arrived to your new abode? Tell us about your elimination experiences!



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