Mission 2 Organize

Ribbon Organizer

Ribbon Organizer: Cost about $4.00

We are always inspired by projects like this ribbon organizer fromSpunky Junky or 

the one below from re-nest. These could be no cost to you because you may already have these items in your home! You may want to dress up the tea box with some wrapping paper too.

Here at M2O we are all about keeping the cost of organizing down to minimum. We love to turn extra things or objects around the house into some useful tools to keep the clutter in control. Having an organized house doesn’t mean you have to break the bank or be extremely crafty. Look at it as fun! A day of treasure hunting like you are Alice in the Wonderland. In a land where a miss-match set of old china can turn into your jewelry holder or where a set of empty cans wrapped in cute paper are the best solution to your messy desk. Help the planet by repurposing objects while still being stylish. Start looking around and see all the endless organizing solutions at the tip of your fingers or waiting for you in the next thrift store. It’s always a good idea to have the vision and purpose if you are buying stuff from a garage sale or second hand store. Without the idea and the will to bring new life to the object you will just end up collecting more clutter.  🙂


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