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Do It Yourself Taxes


Is your tax situation pretty straight forward? Then you may be a good candidate for DIY tax preparation. There are a number of free options at your disposal plus paid programs for more complicated tax situations. Decide which one works for you or decide that it’s time to consult a professional tax accountant like Dave Burton right here. If you’re a multinational corporation, it may be impractical for you to tackle your taxes alone, therefore it may make sense to hire someone like a chicago international tax accountant to help your business out.

If your income is $57,000 or less, you get free tax preparation and free e-filing with Free File. Visit IRS.gov where a number of tax software companies make their products available for free. File for free with Free File.

Anyone can use online Fillable Forms, an electronic version of the IRS paper forms. Use this option for simple returns that are eligible for free e-filing.. These forms are basic and do not include state tax returns.


The #1 tax software, TurboTax guarantees that their calculations are 100% accurate and will pay you back for any penalties or interest. In case of an audit, you’ll receive complimentary one-on-one audit guidance from a TurboTax expert.


With individual and small business tax returns, TaxAct is an affordable option for tax software and over-the-web services. They even have a free fully functioning program available so that you can do your own taxes. A 30-day money back guarantee leads to worry-free filing.

HR Block at Home

HR Block at Home makes it easy to navigate through a tax filing. You’re offered a maximum refund guarantee, attentive customer service and audit support.

Do it yourself. Buy tax preparation software either over-the-counter or online, prepare your own return and press send to e-file. Your return is sent through safe and secure channels, not via e-mail. Prices do vary, so shop around (or use Free File).


Consult a reputable tax accountant on all tax issues or visit IRS.org for more information.


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