Pictures capture a moment of time representing something significant in our life. These snap shots are often stored and displayed in a photo album: a collection of memories that tells a story. Pictures walk observers through every detail, from candid karaoke moments to reunited friends bonding once again. These memories personalize your album and tell a story about your life. Always consider the details when constructing a photo album. Here are some focal points to consider.
Ask yourself what kind of album you want to create. Do you want to show observers your experience on a vacation, at a family event, or celebration of any kind? Pictures in these albums tend to be chosen through logical reasoning and follow traditional guidelines. For example, wedding albums contain pictures of the bride and groom’s wedding rings, cutting the cake, and walking down the aisle. Instead, select pictures that capture unique sentimental values: your parent gazing at you from across the room in admiration knowing you found the one person in life that makes you glow from within. Moments like these speak about the emotional connection between two people without words. Intimate moments carry the story from one snap shot to the next. As each page turns, the story of love or fun will unfold.
Also include pictures that have interesting angles, focuses, and depths. These techniques capture the energy of the moment; the chemistry of those in focus.
Friends and family like to view our albums; however, the collection of memories mean most to the one who created it. Yes; photo albums are created by you and for you. Each time you want to remember the senior year of college or special wedding day, you pull out the album from the book shelf and page through each and every glossy print. You are transported back in time to the days of youthful pleasures or celebration of love. Can you still taste the scrumptious wedding cake or smell the smoked barbeque at the family reunion? If so, the album does its work of telling a personable story that words alone would not be able to articulate.
Let the best days of your life unfold in a series of details that stray from ordinary standards. A photo album represents each individual’s journey. Choose your own focal points.