Mission 2 Organize

Phases of Move Management – Part 3


Part III of a 3-Part Series:


Think of the time that you traveled. Treat your move like you are going camping or to a hotel with no toiletries or room service. Pack up an overnight bag so you are sure to have all your essentials within an arms reach. Most likely you won’t be opening your boxes the same day of the move since they’ll be with the moving companies toronto, or wherever you’re moving too. It will be less stressful for you to have what you need easily accessible.

If you are moving far away and your belongings might not get to you fast enough or if you are at the limit weight for your luggage, ship some of the must have essentials by postal carrier to your destination. Going to a different country? Check out shipping services at the airport where you can sometimes get a better rate. Anything we do at M2O, Schae always packs a snack bag and I love it. Do the same. Be prepared by packing a snack bag.

If you can get into your new place one day before the move, that would be the best time for you to clean it, top to bottom. If that is not possible, clean the place before you start unpacking. You will want to scrub everything down if someone lived there before you or if any construction or updates were done prior to you moving in. The house cleaning and fresh start is important. Plus it makes you feel like the place is yours.

If you have pets or children, arrange for a pet sitter, babysitter or ask friends to help look after your pet or your kids on move day. The last thing you need on the big day is to be worried about your children and their needs. Can you imagine searching the streets in a panic for your puppy that got away because the movers left the door open? If the kids stay with their grandparents for few days after the move, that is awesome news for you. This will help you greatly as it will allow you to unpack quickly and without interruption. Remember that moving can be very stressful for animals and kids. The faster you settle in, the sooner and easier your kids and furry kids will adjust to their new surroundings.

Getting to know your new neighborhood is easier nowadays with smart phones, online reviews and navigation. You can pretty easily find a place to eat or to order food for the first few days. It is still a good idea to search around in advance for schools, dog sitters, grocery stores, dry cleaners and parks in the hood in order to have all your ducks in a row.

If you follow all the tips in Phases 1-3, you should be all set for a smooth move. On the day of the move, make sure you explain the layout of your new place to the movers so they know where each labeled box needs to go. It is infinitely easier to unpack if the boxes are in the correct room.

Hopefully your move will be painless and get settled in in no time. After all, home is where your story begins. Enjoy the journey and make the most of it. Create the best stories yet and no matter where the path takes you, you can always have an easy move if you only plan it ahead. Personal tip: keep a bottle of wine handy for the evening when the move is done. You deserve it. Even if you have to drink it out of the plastic cups!

If you’re currently in the process of selling or buying property in Toronto, Canada, perhaps you would find the services of homeads useful.

Read Phases I and II.

Need more tips on moving? Check out our “O Your Move” blog here.

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