Mission 2 Organize

5 Smart Things to Bring to a Party


Being a great guest starts with RSVPing properly, showing up on time and ends with a graceful goodbye and a thank you note sent to the host. One of the most important things a gracious guest should remember is something that we all have been told from a young age; never show up at a party empty handed. Here are five items that you can bring with you to the next party you are invited to.




Flowers: You can never go wrong when you bring flowers to a party. Fresh cut, colorful flowers always fit the spirit of fun and joy of a party. It’s best if you bring an arrangement that is already in a vase, is in a basket or is a live plant. That way the host doesn’t have to spend time finding a vase and arranging the flowers. No worries if you can’t bring such an arrangement. Most people won’t mind going the extra mile for a beautiful bouquet of flowers. Do you know what your host’s favorite flower or color is? Awesome! Use this knowledge when you are picking up the arrangement.






Alcohol: Here is another perfect item to bring to your next gathering. Wine, champagne, beer or any hard liquor are always welcomed at any gathering. You can ask your host beforehand if there is any sort of beverages they prefer you bring that will go with the theme or food at the party. For extra brownie points, you could have a look at things like pressurized stainless steel mini kegs, because the more alcohol the merrier! You can also think of a specialty cocktail ahead of time, get all of the ingredients to make it and bring them to the party.







Food: For some parties (especially holiday parties) you might be asked to bring a specific dish which makes the job of choosing what type of food you want to bring pretty darn easy. Unless it’s a formal dinner or a party that has been catered, you can always surprise the host by bringing an appetizer or side dish. Just make sure you bring something that is ready to be served. You don’t want to add more tasks for your host.









Sweets: Bring some pastries, chocolate or a bowl full of candy! It’s always nice to have some sweets at a party. If it is a holiday party, go for something festively decorated. Are you famous for baking a particular treat?Bring that to the party! There’s nothing like a home-baked delight to warm hearts and bring people together.






Gift for the host or hostess: As much as the host will be thankful for any contribution mentioned above, it’s also nice to get something special for being a host. This is especially a great idea for a party that has been planned for to the tee with plenty of food and liquor. If the party is at a bar or restaurant or you have been advised by the host to not bring anything, think of gifts. Maybe you choose something that your host can use at their next party such as candles, napkin rings, cookbooks, wine glass charm set, fashionable cocktail napkins, cheese board set or any other gift that you know your host would love.



We hope your next invitation guides you to a party to remember. Enjoy every second of it.Be sure to check our video , “How 2 Be the Life of the Party”.




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