Mission 2 Organize

10 Easy Organizing Tips to Save You Time

Remember when looking for tools took longer than the work for the actual project itself? Or all those times that you bought tape because you couldn’t find the one you had? After years in this field, we can easily pinpoint lots of patterns that lead to wasting time or money on a daily basis. Here are few simple steps that, if you apply to your life in the long run, will not only save you time but money as well. After all, time is not money but even more valuable than money since once it is spent, you can never get it back.




A place for everything

No matter what area you are organizing, the first rule is to find a place for everything. Whether it’s a metal rack secured with magnet tape for all your tools in the garage or all you make up stored in a hand-painted box on your dressing table, make sure you design an organizing system based on your needs and inventory. The best time-saving tip of all time is to know where everything is and to be able to put your hands on it quickly.



Organize-01Put everything back

This one goes hand in hand with the tip above. Try to put everything back in its place as soon as possible. A great way to check yourself is to think before you set something down. Are you putting it where it belongs or are you just setting it down to only have to put it away later? If you put it back in the first place, you will save all the time wasted on looking for stuff plus you won’t have to organize your place as frequently.






Label baskets and shelves to make it easy for everyone to find things and put them away. From your co-workers at the office to your babysitter at home, everyone will save time by stopping the search for things. Plus when everyone knows where things belong, you save time on cleaning up other people’s messes.




Organize-04Make a list

Online or offline, make sure you have a list. Or, like us, have many! From to do lists to grocery lists, lists are here to save you time and keep you on top of all your responsibilities. The result is less stuff in your head, less errors, no more double shopping and reduced need to redo tasks. Here is a source of online tools than can help you with your notes and agendas.




Keep all your notes together

Get in the habit of keeping all your notes in one place. Whether it is a notebook or your phone that you choose to do the job, stick to one place to go to when you need your contacts, lists and notes. Here are some online options that make completing this task as easy as possible.





Gather your tasks

Spend a little time looking over your weekly agenda at least one week in advance. Group your tasks on best way that works. For example, if you have to head over to the north part of town to pick something up, see what other task is in that direction that you can get done at the same time.





Make every step count

Just like you can gather alike tasks for more efficiency in time, you can do the same thing in any place at any time. For example, if you are going to the kitchen to make some food, grab the empty mug on the table and take with you to the kitchen. You are going that way anyway. Don’t mistake this with multi-tasking!




Organize-08Keep your digital world tidy

Some of us will feel the effect of this tip more than others. But for the most part, nowadays we all have digital data. Keeping your digital world organized means finding your data in a snap. No more time wasted searching for things. Here is a video that can help you get your digital pictures organized.



Organize-0910 minute rule

At the end of every work day or at the end of night at home, straighten up for 10 minutes. Get co-workers at the office or your kids at home involved with the 10 minute clean up rule. During this time, clear up all the little piles that have accumulated throughout the day and put things back where they belong. Just 10 minutes each day will save you over 30 minutes the next day by starting you off de-cluttered and ready to go.




Do this every so often. From storing away old files to donating the dress you don’t fit in anymore, purge as often as you can. By getting rid of what is not current or useful anymore, you can focus more on what is really important. After all, the less clutter you have, the more space you create both mentally and physically.




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