Mission 2 Organize

Throw the Confetti


Having people in our life that love us and that we love is the biggest blessing in this universe. Those  that walk with us in the journey of life are our strength. Parties allow us to share this love and joy as we get together and celebrate the moments of life. Maybe it’s a birthday party we are celebrating or maybe we are just celebrating the sun. We should do it more often.


If you are an outdoor picnic kind of gal or a party diva, for sure you have some party supplies somewhere in your house.


The extra dishes, hats, party favors and plastic cups are the most common leftovers from a party. If you do have a big pantry, storage closet, or empty shelves in your garage, you can store all of these items together on the shelf or in a big plastic container for its next use.


Storing them in the kitchen? Use top shelves in your cabinet or pantry. Use the spaces that are hard to reach and therefore not good for storing daily use items. These supplies are light and usually small in size so they can be stored, stacked and out of reach.


Group like mind objects together. Stack plates, cups and napkins by size and shape. Use shelves or dividers to store them in an organized manner.


Contain loose objects such as party favors, birthday candles, utensils and napkins in individual plastic baggies by group and then place in organizers, baskets, containers, and Tupperware. Look around the house. Mugs, glasses, narrow short vases, or empty candle jars can be re-used and re-purposed as containers for your organizing projects. It’s fun to be Green!


Small kitchens are usually really limited on cabinet space, so it’s best to minimize the amount of party supplies that you have stored in the kitchen.


If you must, keep party utensils, plates and cups in your kitchen cabinet. Store tablecloths and napkins with other fabrics in your kitchen or in your linen closet. Store party favors, gift bags, gift wrap, and ribbons with your office supplies.


One of the main reasons we simply avoid hosting parties is our busy schedules. Be ready for any event with an organized shopping list, party supplies and kitchen. When everything is in order, you won’t be able to wait to host your next party. Summer is upon us; get out there and celebrate Life!



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