Mission 2 Organize

Organize Your Entryway!


We all know that first impressions are very important. The entryway to our home is exactly the first impression that people have of our house. Everyone, including guests or the neighbor borrowing sugar, that buzz your door will see the entryway. With a few effortless touches you can always have an organized and de-cluttered entry.

This is the best place to store the objects that you come home with or take out with you regularly such as keys, charges, and incoming or outgoing mail. Based on the size of your family and the size of your entryway, you can use some or all of these organizing tips to make a stylish entrance any given day!


    • Place a key holder or hooks on the wall so that as soon as you come in you can hang your keys. Even in a rush, you’ll always know where your key chain is.
    • Place a small table by the front door with a bowl, basket or re-purpose any attractive container you have to collect mail, keys, chargers, library books to return, things to take to the car and such.
    • Based on the volume of things you collect in these containers, you can assign different baskets for different objects or members of your household. Use labels to mark baskets so everyone knows where things belong.
    • If you have empty wall space, install a few hooks to hang jackets. This is very helpful especially if you don’t have a coat closet.
    • If you keep your shoes by the door, it’s wise to invest in small shoe cubbies or a shoe cabinet. Multi purpose and  keep it simple by using the top of the shoe cabinet or cubbie instead of the table mentioned above.

Keep up with the system and you never have to organize this area again. Make sure you go through the mail at least every few days so your inbox won’t become overwhelmed and overflow. Return other objects that don’t belong in this area to their proper place. Happy organizing!


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